

Door Supervisor

Anyone who wants to work as a door supervisor will benefit greatly from taking the SIA-approved Door Supervisor Course. By gaining a broad understanding of how to identify terrorism, threats, and disorderly behaviour, you'll be able to operate in pubs, bars,nightclubs, events, retail stores, and businesses once you've obtained the licence.

The Door Supervisor Course takes Seven daysto complete. The training course is assessed by 4 multiple choice exams and a practical assessment. The course is split into modules which include Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW), Working in the Private Security Industry, Working as a Door Supervisor, Conflict Management, and Physical Intervention.

Emergency First Aid at Work Course Level 3

A Level 3 RQF Award, the Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) 1 Day Course certifies its Learners as emergency first aiders. It is accredited by Ofqual. If your first aid needs assessment determines that you must have a certified emergency first aider on staff, this course offers all the necessary training and issues a nationally recognised certificate that is valid for three years. The programme complies with all requirements, and the HSE accepts
the certificate it produces.

You will be prepared with the information, abilities, and confidence to handle a variety of emergency scenarios, from minor injuries to life-threatening conditions, in addition to fulfilling these commitments. With the help of ISF Services Limitedemergency first aid at work training, you will be able to provide the appropriate care quickly and decisively in a situation where every second counts.

CCTV Surveillance Course (SIA)

The SIA-approved CCTV license permits anyone to use closed-circuit TV in order to monitor public activities in public as well as private places.

A person who has completed the SIA CCTV Public Surveillance Course (PSS) is eligible to apply to the SIA Home Office for a CCTV Public Surveillance badge or licence. The SIA CCTV Licence, which enables you to work as a CCTV operator in the UK, is a legal necessity. CCTV operators often operate from a control room that has access to a variety of camera feeds. Security firms, major supermarkets, offices, medium-sized organisations, municipal governments, etc. are common employers. Everyone who wants to work as a CCTV operator must possess this qualification.

Door Supervisor Top-Up

The Door Supervisor Top Up course is for current SIA Licence holders who want to renew their Door Supervisor SIA Licence.

It will take two days to complete this Door Supervisor Top Up course. The learners will learn a variety of skills over the whole training session that are essential for becoming an excellent door supervisor. It mostly includes Emergency First Aid at work, recognising terrorism, Effective crown controlling techniques, Conflict Management Skills and physical intervention.

Security training

The course content are
CCTV code of Practice
Health & Safety
Emergency Procedures
Importance of communication
Concepts of relevant legislation

Functions of CCTV system
Operational Procedures and guidelines